
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

In d dark of the night...

under the stones..when the nightmares came i woke up, tried to catch my breath ..i could easily have gone back to bed but hey i thought here's an opportunity to bond..i called him, said i was scared..he couldn't heal the hurt inside and the fear and although he said he knew how i felt i felt maybe just maybe he really did much in love and wishing it would neva end,...but there is some1 that loves me more than any1 else can and i know this is the real thing...talking to him in the darkest part of the night when no one else feels the way you do, when no 1 else knows how it hurts and when the depression sets it makes me feel not so happens that he knows where it hurts the most and is able to heal the pain and the hurt if i let him but can i trust Him enough to let Him..He has told me he knows how i feel and virtually knows everything about me so before i call Him he already has helped i just have to acknowledge this help..God i cannot thank you enough for how great ur love towards me i write this i feel welling up in my eyes as i begin to think of the best way to express how great His love is...He never sleeps and he says he'll never ever leave me nor forsake me for he is the friend that sticks closer than a brother..why then do i look for love in the wrong places when there is some1 tellin me i know the best for you and at the right time i'll make everything beautifull..He keeps reminding me of His love day and night even at that point where i feel like givin into the pain and when am tired of fighting He holds me close and says my Joy is ur strength and my strength is made perfect in your weakness..he says come run to me, take refuge in me let me shield you for in me you'll find the eternal life.. life that goes beyond this world, life that doesn't end even after that is even better after death...Lord that i may be able to fully comprehend, the length, the height , the width and the riches of your immeasureable kindness and love towards me..great are your mercies that are new every morning....Thank you for the hope of finally being with you someday is what keeps me going on for the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory that will be revealed..Romans 8:18

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