
Friday, May 25, 2012

Love comes softly

Yes! This post is about love. Do i even dare venture unto 'uncharted territory'? *squints and looks around* I probably shouldn't but angels do not dread these grounds so i should be safe. I pray i do this post the justice it deserves.

What really is love? 'The feeling you feel when you feel a feeling you've never felt before?' or perhaps it is 'that warm feeling you get when you see the object of your affection? I'm as mortal as the next girl so forgive me if i don't give you a more precise meaning. Well maybe i just did. Love can not be defined. Even the bible describes it using a series of words.

Some people say, you can have love at first sight, another school of thought refutes that theory vehemently and insists that love grows. Feel free to choose a side of the fence or you could go with both theories. After all God loved us even before 'first sight' and His love has remained constant ever since.  That must be what makes agape so perfect and amazing. So perfect because it comes from the most perfect being. Divine love, how truly sweet it is. A love so reliable you can stake your life on it. Thank you Jesus for your love. Forgive me, i got  carried away there but that is the thing about God's love, its love to talk about, sing about, and even tweet about. 

In relation to us humans, permit me to be a bit partial and go with the second school of thought because the way i see it love does come softly. You may not feel it right away but when you are with the right person, you wake up one morning and realize wow!i actually do love him/her. You don't know what exactly it is about said party but you know this for sure, it definitely is love. Love shouldn't be based on looks, wealth and possessions. This is because when all that fades, love should remain and if it doesn't then it probably wasn't love in the first place. I'm just saying.

I see love as the purest and most selfless emotion. Without fault or wrinkle.

Its rather unfortunate, the word has been so abused and misused, you can barely recognize it even when its staring you in the face because you've been hurt so many times, you've lost count.  I don't fault those who don't trust love anymore. I mean you can only be heart broken so many times it smacks some sense into you. I pray you find someone that understands the true meaning of love because when you do, all your hurt will be forgotten. 

Most importantly though i will like to recommend you to God. His love doesn't come softly, you don't have to earn it. He already loves you. Yes just like that. And the most amazing thing is, that love never wanes even a teensy weeny bit. So read your bible and find rest in God's love, then love yourself and your neighbour as much as yourself. This will broaden your understanding of the word, then and only then will you be able to see love with crystal clear eyes for what it really is.

 Love is patient, love is kind; love does not envy;love does not parade itself, is not puffed up;does not behave rudely; does not seek its own, is not easily provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity but rejoices in the truth. Love never fails.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Letters to God

Sorry about the long silence. I think i lost my mojo but its back, hallelujah! I have great news by the way: i am a graduate :D. Okay not officially because i haven't done the ceremony yet (emphasis on YET lol) but am pretty psyched. I probably shouldn't count my chickens before they hatch but i am sure this one egg is going to hatch. Thank God. I hope this post touches you almost as much as it did me.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

In Quietness....

I  just bumped into this, it so appears i wrote this a while back. i enjoyed reading it, i hope you will too. Oh and before i forget..Happy New Month lovies!

Monday, January 9, 2012

So far so good...

'i have been wronged and things must be set right. Its only fair..'

Nine days into the new year and drama breaks. Well that didn't take too long *sigh*.  Personally, i am not big on resolutions. I hardly make any but this year i thought of one: be more confrontational. Yeah i know, not very conventional right? Okay some random song just came on right now, i feel like its polluting this post. hehehe!

Aaaanyhuu, i am not a trouble-seeking kind of person (if at all there is anything like that *shrug*). Personally, i hate getting into squabbles probably because i suck at word fights (i always remember cool lines after said squabble..smh) and most importantly because the bible encourages us to ' at peace with all men, as long as it depends on you'. I would rather let someone have what i know to be mine than get into a public fight about it, plus am very agreeable. I would rather be silent than disagree with a friend. Just because you know, i don't want to get into an argument plus when others do i try to be the peacemaker because i don't want feelings getting hurt.Cool yeah? well, some of us are still out there *adjusts shades*.

But it just dawned on me that having an opinion is not 'bad' as long as you can put it across intelligibly and if the other party has an over-sized ego that can't handle being wrong or better yet 'challenged'? then that is just too bad. So BE CONFRONTATIONAL.. that is my motto for the year.

Well its easier said than done. An opportunity presented itself recently, someone has stolen from me and it only made sense to suspect who was closest to me then. 'I can't be wrong, she must be the one', i said to myself. So i put my new year resolution to test. Result?ugly outcome. It had a multiplier effect and i knew i should probably let go but i was pained because the asset was quite expensive. My suspicious have not been allayed still but i apologized just so there could be....well you guessed it PEACE! So much for being confrontational.

 Am not in a very happy place right now but i will bounce back because 2012 is THE YEAR OF KRISTEA!!!! Happy New Year folks.

p.s: please drop your opinions on new year resolutions thank you :D

Friday, December 23, 2011

Yuletide greetings!!!

Hey a very merry christmas to you and a prosperous new year in advance. It's the holidays again!! I love holidays, apart from the fact that i get a lot of sleep done, there's always a lot of food too. And being the foodian (like a very special friend likes to call me) that i am, my belly is doing somersaults already :D. Everyone is always in the holiday spirit and try as much as possible to show it. God bless you all.

It's going to be a really quiet christmas this time around though and yeah you guessed it, am not exactly jumping  for joy. The siblings are either in school or at her fiance's house (congrats liz). As much as Jesus is the reason for the season, christmas is also about family and not having a complete one this time kinda sucks but hey when life gives you lemons squeeze them in annoying people's eyes. Hahahaha! funny yeah?i know,just kidding or was i?*evil grin*

Did i mention i went for my primary school's reunion yesterday? If i did not,pardon a sister. It was quite the event, nothing fancy though, just a coupla teens/youths catching up after so many years. A guy walked up to me and was all hiiiii and smiling, like he had found a long lost love or something lol. I tried to return the favour but i just couldnt place the face, it looked familiar quite alright but i just wasn't sure where i had seen it or if i had seen it at all. Quite embarrassing right? Yeah i felt eight different kinds of bad then. Then he goes on to introduce himself by name, and i say  'ohh heyyy abdul', but he saw right through that. Hehehehe! i tried man trust me i did but my memory is not very dependable when it comes to some things. Well after that very awkward encounter (btw you should see bsw's blog post on awkward silences ..good stuff), i went on in (is it correct english , is it not?hehehe). Everyone looked so grown up, quite satisfying. Saw more familiar faces although i forgot some names but its all good. All in all, it was a good reunion, had to leave early because i had some family stuffs to attend to.
Hopefully i will meet more people at the youth convention (which is also a reunion kind of thing on the side shhh) :D.
The holiday looks a lot more promising than i thought. Merry Christmas once again!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Thinking out Loud..Eiera

W e cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them..Albert Einstein

Its funny how your past can creep up on you especially when you thought its all buried. Things left unsaid ache to be said, feelings struggle to be unleashed and you sit there wondering 'what in the world is happening here'.

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The past is filled with memories some of us want to re-live yet there are some memories we just wish wern't there at all. You know casting your mind back at a time you thought you had it all figured out and your wisdom had no bounds? Its amazing how deeply verdant we were. But that's the thing about childhood, the innocence forces you to see the world in black and white, totally ignoring the blotches of grey. Ahh!!the good 'ol days.

Truth be told, i miss being a kid. You know the time when all you has to worry about was getting out of bed, getting your assignment done and ensuring you get good grades? you had an all access view to the television, food was always ready when you were hungry and you were still called 'cute' even when you were having a bad hair day. Yeah! hard to forget.

We`cant remain kids forever, probably why our parents had the good sense to instill discipline and send us to the best schools they could afford. Truth be told, being a grown up is so hard (and to think i haven't seen the half of it..smh). You know even from the most mundane decisions (like picking out the shirt to wear today) to the most important decision of your life (picking your soul mate), one thing keeps nagging at the back of your mind 'right decsion or not'. Because if it is the latter, you probably aren't going to get a pat on the back and 'you'll get it right next time', why? because everyone expects more from you as a grown up.

I hope i give as much as i am expected to and more,
I hope i make the right decisions while am gone,
I hope life gives back as much and then some,
I hope my dad looks at me, smiles,
And says out loud she's my star!

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Logical basis of christianity

This blog post is long overdue and has been sitting on my computer for far too long. I came across it recently and decided to put it up. I will advice you read this with an open mind (although I didn’t write it with sorry but hey ‘its my blog’ :D). That being ‘advised’, happy reading!!!!!! :D