
Monday, December 5, 2011

The Logical basis of christianity

This blog post is long overdue and has been sitting on my computer for far too long. I came across it recently and decided to put it up. I will advice you read this with an open mind (although I didn’t write it with sorry but hey ‘its my blog’ :D). That being ‘advised’, happy reading!!!!!! :D

There are few questions logic provides answers to without us necessarily getting into arguments about the availability of facts.  Most often than not, we argue based on what we’ve heard and have come to believe or because we are just plain adamant. The basis of Christianity has always been debated by men who claim to have a firm grip on history and philosophy.  They may be right or better still wrong (forgive me for being biased but am as Christian as they come: D) but lets look at the logical aspects of their claims. A certain man spoke on these said claims and brought up some very convincing logical points.  
Here are the few claims:
  • Jesus was hidden: okay fine maybe he was but how long can one person hide? Even Osama bin laden has been found after what 10 years? Jesus couldn’t possibly have been in hiding till His death or could he?
  • He fainted he didn’t die: The soldiers were well trained soldiers so they must have known what a dead man looked like. Fine so he wasn’t dead how do we explain the blood and water that flowed from his side when He was pierced? Or was this a lie too? Couldn’t be because a lot of people witnessed His crucifixion and saw the events that transpired. Its something the biologists call ‘rigor mortis’.
  •  He was nursed back to health: that will make the resurrection story a huge lie. And come to think of it, the disciples were willing to die to protect some one that they had nursed back to health? *throws hand in air* Well there goes all human sanity. Our reflexes work to protect us from harm such as burns, bruises etc. This is why; you quickly remove your hand from something really hot or try to hold on to something when you think you are falling down. So who in his conscious mind would want to willingly be boiled in hot oil, sawed in half or crucified upside down just to preserve a lie? It just defies human nature.
  • His body was stolen: well, well, well, wouldn’t this be just convenient. He died quite alright but, hey his body is stolen and has been hidden for more than 2000 years. First, the tomb was heavily guarded by the Jewish soldiers so how come the thief wasn’t caught? Or perhaps the soldiers were sleeping on duty. Okay maybe they were but afterward why wasn’t the body found? How sly can illiterate fishermen be as compared to trained soldiers? They must have been a search party because trust me the Sadducees who disprove the resurrection from the dead would not fold their hands and allow certain said claims stand without carrying out a thorough investigation.

Even if they were more convincing arguments, what would make peter : a man that denied Jesus before a mere servant girl, stand before the council of elders in Jerusalem and talk with such boldness and confidence about the resurrection of Jesus from the grave?
Why would Judas be so racked with guilt that he went as far as committing suicide after betraying a man some claim was a false prophet?
And just after He (Jesus) gave up the ghost, the curtain in the temple was torn in half and this wasn’t done by human hands as no one came forward with this claim or was caught doing this. There was a great earthquake: maybe geologists can explain this, let’s move on. Daylight failed by 3 in the afternoon and there was ‘thick’ darkness. Surprised? So am I, so am i! Even the guards and the centurion standing watch over Him professed that He (Jesus) was truly THE SON OF GOD.

 Maybe you do not believe all these said claims but you are strongly convinced he was a prophet. Well breaking news, you also couldn’t be more wrong. All the prophecies that came concerning this man said he was ‘begotten of God’. This means He is the ‘son of God’. Isaiah 9:6 says: ‘unto us a child is born, to us a son is given….’   so he wasn’t just a prophet matter of fact he wasn’t a prophet at all. He was and still is ‘THE SON OF GOD’
And this son of God according to John 14:3 said ‘….and if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come AGAIN and will take you to myself that where I am you maybe also’


  1. seems like you're talking at someone...i believe the point of Christianity is faith, ergo proof of Christ's Divinity isn't on the argument table because You believe. and it is always reassurring to know that you are not alone :)

  2. Yeah, the guy i gleaned this off from spoke the same's a borrowed work. yeah being 'not -alone' is consolation enough
