
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Thinking out Loud..Eiera

W e cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them..Albert Einstein

Its funny how your past can creep up on you especially when you thought its all buried. Things left unsaid ache to be said, feelings struggle to be unleashed and you sit there wondering 'what in the world is happening here'.

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The past is filled with memories some of us want to re-live yet there are some memories we just wish wern't there at all. You know casting your mind back at a time you thought you had it all figured out and your wisdom had no bounds? Its amazing how deeply verdant we were. But that's the thing about childhood, the innocence forces you to see the world in black and white, totally ignoring the blotches of grey. Ahh!!the good 'ol days.

Truth be told, i miss being a kid. You know the time when all you has to worry about was getting out of bed, getting your assignment done and ensuring you get good grades? you had an all access view to the television, food was always ready when you were hungry and you were still called 'cute' even when you were having a bad hair day. Yeah! hard to forget.

We`cant remain kids forever, probably why our parents had the good sense to instill discipline and send us to the best schools they could afford. Truth be told, being a grown up is so hard (and to think i haven't seen the half of it..smh). You know even from the most mundane decisions (like picking out the shirt to wear today) to the most important decision of your life (picking your soul mate), one thing keeps nagging at the back of your mind 'right decsion or not'. Because if it is the latter, you probably aren't going to get a pat on the back and 'you'll get it right next time', why? because everyone expects more from you as a grown up.

I hope i give as much as i am expected to and more,
I hope i make the right decisions while am gone,
I hope life gives back as much and then some,
I hope my dad looks at me, smiles,
And says out loud she's my star!