
Friday, May 18, 2012

Letters to God

Sorry about the long silence. I think i lost my mojo but its back, hallelujah! I have great news by the way: i am a graduate :D. Okay not officially because i haven't done the ceremony yet (emphasis on YET lol) but am pretty psyched. I probably shouldn't count my chickens before they hatch but i am sure this one egg is going to hatch. Thank God. I hope this post touches you almost as much as it did me.

I saw this movie last night, letters to God, and it is wow! A movie that has faith, trust, bravery, hope and so much courage. The main character is a 9 year old boy (i think..) who had brain cancer. There has been a lot of talk about cancer but they have never really gotten to me the way this movie has. Seeing a family suffer so pain much because of cancer pierced my heart.

Cancer doesn't affect just the patients but friends and family suffer almost as much. And the most  overwhelming thing about it is: this boy who was suffering so much with cancer and living more at the hospital than at home had more faith in God than the most healthy characters. Have you ever gone through a trying period in your life?If you have, then you know that 'praising God in the storm' will make the list of 'Ten most difficult actions'.

Still on the movie, i am sure you are probably wondering why the movie is titled 'letters to God', well the brave little pumpkin wrote letters to God. I really don't know how his young naive mind was working but the dude wrote so personally and sincerely to God and he posted it, yes he put a stamp on it and posted it. Funny thing is the letters never got to God physically but i am very sure He knew the contents of the letter. The letter killed more than two birds. He spoke to God in the best way he knew how and the postman's life was changed after reading the letters.

If you are holding back your tears at the end of the movie, all hope is not lost because the floodgates will open when you see pictures of people who have lived through cancer or are going through the 'experience'. Your nose will go on a sprint. Its a very touching movie. I call it an experience because, last night i realized something, its not so much about what happens to you but more about what you do with your situation. You can either keep your head down and feel sorry for yourself or you can pick yourself right up and be brave like this young boy was. Your thing may not be writing a letter but i am sure you can think of something because the funny thing is God is closer to us in our times of pain.

This post is dedicated to everyone battling with cancer or any other life threatening disease. Write a letter to God today!

Dear  God, 
 I know you are there, its great to know you are. I know this because my bible tells me so and i am so sure of it because the evidence is all around me. Help me trust you in this new phase of my life. Thank you for your love.

Your daughter