
Sunday, March 4, 2012

In Quietness....

I  just bumped into this, it so appears i wrote this a while back. i enjoyed reading it, i hope you will too. Oh and before i forget..Happy New Month lovies!

Thank you for your mercies, thank you for your grace, Lord i stand today amazed at what you've done.

Some say 'is He really coming?', we've heard that for atleast 2000 years now so much that we are beginning to doubt its truth.
In the course of believing, some have gotten tired of waiting for the promised messiah, others have not even bothered believing.
Most say 'life is short, why deny yourself the pleasures, live life to the fullest for tomorrow we die'.

'But what really happens in the afterlife?' one may ask, 'leave tomorrow to worry about itself' another responds.
We do not see far, we choose to live in the moment. going along with the suggestions the flesh brings. Pause and ask 'is it really true? is He really coming like we have heard? Does He love us as much as we have been told?'

The evidence is all around us, God really love us and is pleased when we live for Him. That was the whole point of sending Jesus.
A few have accepted this fact, given their lives to the master but have not let the master take over theirs. Still holding onto some desires and giving all sorts of excuses to appease their conscience and the Holy Spirit.
 From this few, have risen men some call 'giants in the faith, patriachs'. Men subjected to like passions but giving all up for the master. Some look at them in awe thinking 'what have this people seen that we havent?' 
What can i say? they believed and it has been counted unto them for righteousness. They have understood what really is called 'the hope of glory'. Neglecting this present world and its lusts and submerging themselves in all that concerns God.

Above all, we do not compare ourselves with these for 'those that compare themselves with themselves, and measure themselves by themselves are not wise'. We look unto Jesus: our perfect example. Who also is the author and perfecter of our faith. We hope against hope like Abraham did. Believing His promises even when common sense doesn't approve but we believe nonetheless, trusting and hoping and even putting our lives in order so when our messiah comes, we are not found wanting like the five foolish virgins.

Now to Him who is able to keep us from falling and present us blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. To him be all the glory, honour, and majesty.


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