
Friday, April 24, 2009

to or not to'

Permit me to use this as a basis for this post-my english teacher was talking bout individual needs we have as humans..amongst the mentioned was 'need to be loved'-evry1 no matter what you think has this need and i must admit i a point in my life i guess i was really desperate bout this that i allowed some things happen..things i wish i could completely erase from my memory-we all have one or more of such memories-they are times they come into my head and i begin to scream really loud but no matter how i try they are memories still and they remain-memories are permanent right-i believe this is one of the things that makes people go the extent of committing suicide, taking crack and the lot-i guess, fine, i stopped dwelling on them and thinking of something i could have done but rather try to make the present into something i wouldn't regret later in life..this is proving harder than i thought, it so happens that before life decisions are made a lot of thought has to put into its not just bout savouring the moments as some would say but what about the later consequences of our actions...contrary to what we think everything doesn't just go by and by they affect our lives positively or negatively and the consequences of our action will most definitely catch up with us afterall we reap what we sow as the bible puts it..i learnt this the hard way and trust me a lot of struggling went into making it everything wot it used to be even this didn't work as it still wasn't even close to what it used to be...i wish it did but as the saying goes 'if wishes were horses we would ride on them'..

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