
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

change: a blessing or a curse

Its been ages since i wrote anything here and the guilt is killing me. ahh well!!better late than never! lets see how this goes though.

so am not a big fan of 'change', it sucks and takes too much from people yet revealing so little information about the future. i like to know what is going to happen and yeah if you're wondering, i suck at suspense: it kills me because my over-curious nature takes the fun out of it. change in my opinion is something we should chose it shouldn't choose us. allow me decide am actually tired of something before you pop out of nowhere and change everything without warning. *forgive the seemingly deep moment*

some say: come on don't be so stiff, 'change is good'!! let me just pause here and ask you in the words of sheldon cooper 'in what universe'? you left out a word that makes that sentence much more formidable, the word 'sometimes'. change we don't opt for most often than not causes a paradigm shift that leaves us befuddled. its like going to bed on your lovely bed and waking up at dawn to find yourself asleep in a ship at sea. yes!! exactly that. thats the same way change makes me feel :confused, full of questions and wondering what in the name of God happened? i can bet my life i did not board a ship. well thats the thing about change you give it lemons it gives you a steak!.

change has its moments though like that silver lining in a dark cloud moment. taking what life offers, expecting the best, getting disappointed but soon you realize that that change is probably the best thing that has happened to you. oh really? well there's no way you could have known it would turn out this way, maybe if you did you would be more open to change and spontaneity.

change has taken some of the things i considered 'bad and unexpected' in my life and turned them into a worthwhile roller coaster ride or should i say worthwhile roller coaster rides. all in all this phase is going to be over soon and change will once again raise its not-so-ugly unwelcome head. i am excited (a little part of me thinks that's the optimist in me talking *shrug*) about this impending change. can't say am going to love it but then again you just never know. the probability am going to love the outcome though is..what imma saying?forgive me, my head has taken a break from everything academic and that math is too complex for its hibernated state. now to whom it may concern:we've just got a year left right? what do you say we make the best out of it?

i find comfort in two bible verses that have popped into my head one too many times during the course of this writing , snap!!!it just skipped my mind, gimme a minute here oh yeah of course 'everything works altogether for good for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose'. Enough said!!!!


  1. i guess what you are saying is that change is a blessing disguised in curse clothing.

  2. i didn't take a stand!jus putting scenarios out there
