
Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I have been watching a lot of episodes Hannah Montana lately and yeah no matter how old i am, comedy is still something i really love. Miley and lily are like this perfect picture of how best friends should be. I mean(got this from a buddy) they've got each other back and yeah they have their moments but it doesn't deter them because they swallow their pride n make apologies whether they are in the wrong or not.

Friendshp has lost its meanin especially among us youths ironically though we supposedly are the age group with a 'lot o'friends'..more often than not you hear the hear the word 'friend' from a youth at least once a day, neewyz so yeah dey are like this model of what friendship is all about: trust, love,commitment,care and oh humour. Like i've alwayz thought, if u got a friend you can't share moment of silence with and not feel awkward you should check that. Friends should be able to tolerate you and still love you even if they make you embarrass urself while singing at a karaoke nite(that was real embarrassing though, i couldnt stop laughng when amber said "you got nerve alright' and ashley was all 'just no talent').tat was real good..So bottomline friends are like precious stones, the good ones though and a friendship like lily and miley's is my ideal defintion of FREINDSHIP!

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